Pick Randomly

Randomly pick up one or multiple item(s) out of the number range or listed items.



Random Tools

What is "Pick Randomly"?

"Pick Randomly" is a versatile online tool designed to help you make random selections quickly and easily. It offers two main functionalities:

Number Range Selection: Randomly pick one or more numbers from a specified range. This is perfect for situations like choosing lottery numbers or simulating dice rolls.

Custom List Selection: Randomly select one or more items from a list you provide. This is ideal for making decisions, assigning tasks, or adding an element of chance to any selection process.

Whether you're looking to make a quick decision, conduct a fair selection, or add an element of randomness to your process, this tool provides a simple and efficient solution.

How to Use it?

  1. Choose mode: "Number range" or "List"
  2. For Number range: The default is 0 to 100. You can adjust these numbers as needed
  3. For List: Enter list items, one per line
  4. Specify how many items you want to pick
  5. Set the duration for the random selection animation
  6. Click "Pick Randomly" to see your result

Use Cases


What's the purpose of the duration setting?
The duration setting controls how long the random selection animation runs before settling on the final result. This adds an element of anticipation and excitement to the selection process.
Can I use this for serious applications, like selecting raffle winners?
Yes, our random selection process is designed to be fair and unbiased.
Is my data safe when using this tool?
We do not store any of the data you input for random selection. All processing is done in real-time and your lists or number ranges are not saved on our servers.
What should I do if I encounter a malfunction?
If you encounter any issues, please try updating your browser to the latest version. This can often resolve many common problems.

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